Saturday, October 20, 2012

Blogger Vs. Wordpress ? Which One Is It ?

Blogger Vs. Wordpress

If you search the internet, you will find that there are many blogging platforms availible to be utilized. But only two blogging platforms have made their way to the hearts of blogger's and these two are: Blogger and Wordpress.

People are usually confused about using these two platforms. Each one has it's own benefits and as well as some negative points. So let's compare these, shall we ?


Wordpress is also known as the best Content Management system which is of course free. Here are some great reasons to consider using Wordpress for blogging.

1. It is free. All you need is a domain name and a small hosting plan. That's it you are good to go.

2. If you like coding things then Wordpress is for you. You can customize each and every aspect of it.

3. With Wordpress you will be able to get tens and thousands of plugins for free.

4. You can attach your Adsense account to Wordpress blog through plugins and through coding.

Blogger or

1. It's absolutely free.

2. You don't have to pay a dime to host your blog.

3. Templates are easy to install, with just one click of button.

4. Google owns So this means that what ever you write, Google will raise your rankings.

5. If you don't like coding, then is the place for you.

6. You can easily install gadgets.

7. Adsense and Blogger go hand in hand. Adsense get's integrated with click of a button.


Generating Traffic For Blogger and for other blogs

More Ways to Generate Traffic for Blog

1. Write Articles which have Vs. in it

People love comparison of things. This really helps people to understand the pros and cons of each thing, items, product etc. People love to comare Dell vs. Hp vs. Lenovo laptops, iphone 5 vs. HTC phones, iphone 5 vs. Samsung Galaxy III etc, you got the idea. This is one method that will drive traffic to your website.

2. Every One In This World Wants The Best of Everything

everyone wants the best of everything. It's a fact. You want best clothes at best price, best laptop, best mobile phone, best this, best that etc. The "Best" word is always used in buying decision process. So if your website or blog has best information on any specific subject, then you will get traffic.

3. Problems and Solutions

If you want readers, visitors, customers to your blog then you need to provide a solution to the specific problem or problems. If you can do this, then congratulations you have traffic. Trust me people need solutions for their problems.

So this is it for this post :), I hope it will help all those who want traffic :)

Friday, October 19, 2012

Driving Traffic to A Blog

There are millions of blogger out there in the world, writing on different topics. Why do people blog ? Well there are lots of reasons and out of all the most important is "To Drive Massive Traffic to their Blog". Massive Traffic means a lot of thing to many people. For some it means readers, information hungry visitors and for many it means money.

Here are some great ways that can help anyone to increase the traffic to the blog. Do keep in mind that "Traffic" will not come from a single source ( unless you are massively spending of PPC campaigns). Let's get digging shall we ?

1. Abide the Rules of Google

Google gives value to those blogs and websites which accurately follow the Google Search Engine guide lines and rules. If you want massive traffic in the long run. I repeat in the long run then you have to work in organic way and you must never automate the blog posts. Google is not Stupid!

2. Getting A lot of Links

Always remember this "Thousands of Blogs are created every single day". This is important because this line itself tells that when thousands of blogs being are created every day, one needs to develop a mean through which it can attract traffic ( If you want your blog to be a ghost town, then it's your choice).  This is where Links (External Links to be specific) comes into play. If you are writing on say Cakes and Cake Recipes, then you must link to all those websites and blogs which write on Cakes and not to the World of Warcraft guide websites. Are you with me ? Good. Let's move on.

3. Use Billboards

Ok, now in the internet you cannot use billboards but you can use banner ads to drive traffic to your website. In this method you can place the banner on any website which has tons of traffic. The one who gets interested in your website, clicks it and that's it you start to get targeted traffic easily.

4. Use Emails

When ever you send an email to anyone, I mean to anyone, add your website and blog link to it. This is one the best way to drive traffic to your website. Of-course, if your content is worthy enough it will be paid off.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Five Best Ways to Maximize Earnings from Google Adsense

So You have adsense account but you are getting less than $1 per day and you have absolutely no idea what to do so that your earnings can be increased. If you want to increase your adsense earnings in the proven way then keep reading this post.

This post will tell you about five ways to improve your adsense earnings literally. So here we go

1. Focus on Ad format.

This is the most important factor which can impact your CTR. After searching a lot and doing experiments I have found that if you use a "Large Rectangular Ad which is 336x280 size" then the CTR increases. There is one solid reason behind this format and that is this Ad (366x280) starts to look like a normal website link, this in turn makes people to believe that they are clicking on the particular website link but infact they are linking on the Adsense Ad.

2. Color

Always choose a color which blends with the website theme. This is critical. The main idea is to make people believe that Adsense Ads are part of the particular website.

3. Placement of Adsense Ad

Usually people put ads at the bottom of the page, webmasters do this because when you are reading the post or webpage and you reach at the end, chances are that you will click on the Ad, but this doesn't happens!. The reason is that people don't read the whole page from start to end. First three to four lines or even the title tells that what the reader is going to get. So place the ad at the Top or to the top right corner of the website page, so that people click on it.

4. Put Adsense on each page of the website

Using Adsense on Blogger is easy but if you have website which is not on, then you might consider automating the Adsense Ad integration through the use of Server Side included which is short for SSI.

5. Last but not the least

Lastly, your adsense will always work terrific if you are fully focusing on one subject website. The reason is simple those who come to your website, your Adsense Ads will start to give them the direction in which they will start to flow. You with me :).

Make Money Online Through Google Adsense

If you are newbie or some one who is entering into the online world so that he/she can make money online then you have just came to the right place. Adsense is probably the best way that can help you to get things like Dell Led, a printer, that specific suite, your bills etc. Do keep one thing in mind and that is Adsense may not increase your income into 5 or 6 figures but it can generate decent amount given proper time and money investment.

So you want to earn money through adsense, Right ? but you don't know where to start ? or what are different ways that can help you to earn through adsense ? This post will help you in understanding the concepts that what are good places where you can earn more or start earning immediately. So here we go.


Most popular to place adsense ads. But is one blog website that has created controversy. Some people believe that working and making a blog on is not worth, while others say that it's good for only newbies. Lemme me tell you this, that I own different websites plus I also have hundreds of blogs on Why ? Well first of all allows me to signup and put ads way easily than any other website in the world. Just signup and you are good to go. Second, I don't have to pay for domain name, people say that nobody takes a website seriously which has at the end. Well my friend, you are in for a big surprise and that is if you take things seriously than the visitors will also take you seriously!, that's it this is the simplest of all rules.Trust me Blogger was the website which introduced me to the online world of money making.

2. Get Your own Website

If you have a website where you sell your own prodcuts or services and you have "traffic", then you can apply for adsense. Once you get the code of adsense you can place it in your website and voila! you have a passive income generating stream.

3. Ezine Articles

If you are good at English ( I mean perfect !) then you should check out Ezine Articles website. Over here you can write on different articles and this can dramatically help you to increase the traffic to your targeted website where you have adsense enabled. It's really that simple.

More on Adsense coming soon... till then keep reading

Monday, October 15, 2012

The Conversion Concept

The conversion Concept is actually the fact that can help anyone to convert visitors into potential customers and into actual customers. Over here the "customers" are the one's which you have defined. These can be readers, gamers, blog readers, job hunters, information gatherers, downloader etc.

To make or turn your website into a converting website. You need to ask this one question and that is "What purpose does my website serve?" and "What it was supposed to do?". These two most important questions can help your website to become a converting website. To make your blog/website really effective, you need to keep this important points in mind.

1. Information helps in decision making

I know you have heard of this but it's really critical here. You see, when you want people to buy something, you can't just put a flashy label on your website of some specific product say "A online money making system", and the same time you expect to have sales!. People need information!. This is really really important because it is the "information" (data) which helps the people to buy the products. Consider this you buy a dell ( or any other product), you have bought it because you know that Dell is reliable (at least in my case ), economical, has great power savings and most people recommended it. So when one comes to your website, put yourself in their shoes. You will immediately realize that if there is just a sales page, no one is going to buy it ( though some might buy it); unless there is detailed unbiased "information" on it. Trust me if you trying to deceive or try to make sales pitch, then my friend you will get a slap!

2. Give your contact information

This is the second point which has equal importance in helping you to grow. Most of the website which sell something, don't have a contact information at all or the website gives an impression of "huge business", don't do that. When you are not giving your contact information people will fall in doubt about your credibility. No one wants to give money to anyone or company to whom they can't associate with.

3. Website Design 

Design your website in such a way which is comforting for your audience. If navigation is difficult or there are too many distractions ( ads, banners, colors etc) people will leave your website. People will leave because they are distracted! and you don't want that. Make your website simple or look at different websites which have same purpose like yours.

4. Use Correct Fonts

To understand you need to look at a website which in my opinion is terrific. It's the When you open the website you will realize that it has very soothing font style (I don't know what to call it) which really makes you happy when you are reading it.

5. Background Color

A background color plays a critical role at subliminal state. You should and must know the "meaning of colors" in website. Look at, J&R website, hp website. Hp has black background or contrasting colors and macmall has white background with grey and black fonts. So you should really work on this that what color should your website have.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Part 2 of website

So guys this is the second post of the Review of website. In the last post I talked about the positive and negative points of the website. In this post I will let you know that what actually you will get from the course offered by Peng Joon ( Owner of So let's start digging.

There are total of nine sections of the website These include the following:

1. Picking Your Market
2. Basics
3. Content Creation.
4. SEO
5. Backlinking
6. Stand Out Techniques
7. A full 30 Day Action Plan
8. Outsource
9. Done Templates

Let's look at each section one by one so that you know what you are actually getting.

1. Picking Your Market

This section will help you to understand that what an online market is, and how actually it's seen by the visitors of online world. This section is really nice. This section is one part that has really helped me out in understanding the concept of selecting the right product and market. Trust me you have to work on it, there is no short cut to it.

Here is a Print screen of my course :). 

Peng Joon the Owner of system

2. Basics 

This section is not that great for those who even know a bit of Internet Marketing. This is really simple and you can skip this part of the course if you know Wordpress, Domains, buying domains etc. If you don't know nothing then do read it, you will get on board with the rest of the internet marketers.

3. Content Creation

This is the part which is really interesting. Peng Joon has clearly explained the "Old School" methods and what ditches your content. Trust me these are really gems, and you want to lose it in any way. This is the only reason that made me bought this course, and this section is totally worth it. Whether you are newbie or expert in seo and internet marketing, you should really have to see it. You will find precious gems on the way. So my advice is that it's a must have content. 

4. SEO

A good explanation on how to do correctly Search Engine Optimization. Really loved reading it. 

5. Back linking

This part is also very interesting. Peng Joon has clearly mentioned that what is legal for back linking ( means what methods don't make you fail) and what is not. You will learn about Guest posting concepts, comments, blog comments and many others which are not taught by anyone.

6. Stand Out techniques

This section is quiet different from the rest of the others in a sense that Peng Joon will teach you about different softwares and websites that can help you to grow dramatically and this all is free!.

7. A full 30 Day Action Plan

Now this part is the part where your concepts and learning go to practical. It's a full and detailed 30 day action plan for you to grow from zero to generate four figures easily. But do keep in mind that you need to work on it, there is no other way!!!. If you try to skip or try to find some short cut then don't expect anything because Google and others are not stupid! 

8. Outsource

If you have budget, then this section is for you, other wise you have to do every thing by yourself for sometime and when you are seeing the cold hard cash, you can invest to grow exponentially. I mean serious investment like $15000 or more in one site building!!. So it's not a joke.

9. Done Templates

In this section you will more than 50 websites which can be used as templates. All you need is to replace the affiliate link with yours and that's it you are good to go. This also means that there are more than 50 websites ready to be launched with bit of tweaking and this is one thing which you will not find anywhere!.

So this is it the "unbiased review of website". If you want to to learn the basics which can push you instantly in earning money online then this is really a right package for you.

If you want to learn content creation or you want to learn more then this website workfromnohome gives you precious gems on the way.

I cannot share all the contents of the website as it would be stealing!!. So honestly, this website is great for learning and for practical purposes. If you want to learn then you have to buy it and you can easily buy it by clicking at the bottom link.

Work From No Home Buy It Now


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Unbiased Review of Work From No Website and course

There is a lot of hype going for a while for the website Why is it so ? There is one very strong reason behind it and that is John Chow is also helping to promote this product. Now I am not going to bias or give any kind of negative views of John Chow or the website. I will just give my personal experience of using the product and what was the first impression of the first course. So let's get started shall we ?

The Good, The Bad and The Worse about website.

In this section I will tell you about an unbiased review of the website, which is ofcourse owned by Peng Joon.

1. The Good

If you are a newbie in the world of Internet Marketing or you want to learn the basics of the online world, then this is the right course for you.

If you have time and especially money to invest, then you should buy it. There is reason behind it and that is you might be able to buy the course for $47 but in the course there are many steps and strategies which will require you to invest! I am not saying investing $100 or something, I mean seriously you need to have $3000 (Minimum) to $10000 at most. This is because to earn, you have to invest (especially in this case).

2.  The Bad

This course is not really for those who are expert or have advance knowledge of the the Internet Marketing. If you know the basics, then take my advice, don't invest in it. It's not worth for it.

3. The Worse

Now this is the point which Peng Joon or John Chow hasn't told you about. When I bought this course, I was really really excited that I am going to make money quickly and this course is the ultimate one, and boy I was really wrong. When you purchase the course, you will realize that you will be directed towards another landing page, where you will be asked to buy another product (the blue print of making money online!), if you skip it, then there would another landing page (I don't remember that one). If you skip that one also; you will again be redirected to another landing page and then to another. So this makes total of four landing pages!, So what I came to realize that the package is not a full package at all!, and this really disappointed me a lot. The first package will only give you basics and that's it, you will not be able to get to advance level unless you purchased all the four landing pages from the author. If you invest upfront by pruchseing all the products, it make's total of $250!!!, now that's mind blowing and believe me or not one of the course has recurring bill attached to it.

This is it for a while in this post and I hope you really liked it. Till then stay tuned for next post.

                                                             To Be Continued......